Block Party is an annual celebration that occurs at the beginning of the Fall semester that celebrates the student organizations at the University at Albany, with over 180 student organizations that host informational tables with interactive games.
All students are welcome to the event to enjoy the snacks, games, and performances by fellow students.
Come celebrate with the Student Association at this year’s beach-themed Block Party!
Stay tuned for updates by
following us on Instagram!
Q: When will I get my confirmation e-mail?
A: By August 26th.
Q: Who do I contact for inquiries?
A: saprogramming@albany.edu, NOT sa@albany.edu.
Q: When do I get my performance slot?
A: In your confirmation e-mail sent out by August 23rd. (Yes, performers are different)
Q: Can my organization’s dance group be tabled next to my organization’s main table?
A: No.
Q: Can I perform at (insert time)
A: No. Time slots are on a first-come, first-serve basis and will not have exceptions.
Q: If' i’m doing a group performance (not an organization performance), does all of my performance partners need to submit their own form?
A: Yes. If you are performing a duet/group performance, please register individually with a note attached naming your performance partners.
Q: If I’m performing with my fraternity, sorority, or organization, does each member need to fill out a form?
A: No. Only those that are performing without representing their organization.
Check out the phenomenal coverage of past Block Party’s from the Albany Student Press!