The Student Association Supreme Court is comprised of students appointed by the President and then confirmed by the SA Senate.
The Supreme Court is the final say in any disputes that arise within the purview of the Student Association. Students can appeal to the Court if they feel that a group or a person has violated the Constitution or By-Laws of the Student Association and their action or decision needs to be overturned or corrected.
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Know your Rights!
Submit a Petition to the Court.
If you’re planning to move forward with filing a petition to the Supreme Court, it’s essential to ensure that you follow the correct procedures and include all necessary information. Here’s a step-by-step guide based on the Student Association’s guidelines to help you through the process:
1. Review the Petition Guidelines
Understand the Jurisdiction: The Supreme Court of the Student Association has jurisdiction over cases involving the Constitution, statutes, provisions, and resolutions of the Student Association. Make sure that your issue falls within these areas.
Timeframe: Confirm that your petition is being filed within the appropriate timeframe—eight weeks from the date of the incident for most cases, and three Student Association business days for election-related disputes.
After submission, it’s a good idea to follow up with the Chief Justice or another member of the Supreme Court to confirm that your petition has been received and is under review.
Prepare for a Hearing: If your petition is accepted, prepare for the possibility of a hearing. Be ready to present your case and any supporting evidence clearly and effectively.
2. Prepare Your Petition
Complete the Petition Form on My Involvement
Petitioner Details: Include the full names, titles (if applicable), and contact information of all petitioners.
Respondent Details: Similarly, provide the names and contact details of all respondents involved in the issue.
Case Information: Clearly state the issue you want the Court to address. This should be concise and focused on the specific legal or procedural question at hand.
Rationale: Explain why the Court should review your case, including the harm or injury your organization has suffered and the importance of resolving this issue.
3. Submit Additional Documentation
If your case requires more space than the My Involvement form allows, you can prepare a supplemental document up to six pages in length. This document should provide additional details and evidence to support your petition.
Email Submission: Send the additional documentation to the Chief Justice at sachiefjustice@albany.edu. Make sure to include your petition form submission details in the email to ensure that everything is connected and reviewed together.
Clearly outline all relevant dates, including:
The date when the harm or incident occurred.
The date of any decisions by lower committees or bodies.
The date you are submitting your petition.
Filing a petition to the Supreme Court of the Student Association is a serious process that requires careful preparation and adherence to procedural guidelines. By following these steps, you can ensure that your petition is properly submitted and that your organization’s rights are fairly considered.
Good luck with your petition!
Supreme Court Terms
This Court has not heard any cases between 2020-2021
(SCSA-1920-001) African Student Association v. Student Association Office of the Comptroller
(SCSA-1920-002) Crown v. Student Association
(SCSA-1920-003) Max Sevor v. Senator Osei, Senator Chandan, and President Chin-Carty
(SCSA-1920-004) Student Association Senate v. President Desann Chin-Carty
(SCSA-1920-005) Chin-Carty v. The Student Association Senate and The Student Association Elections Commision
This Court has not heard any cases between 2018-2019

The Jimenez Court of the UAlbany Student Association
Chief Justice
Steven Jimenez
Office Hours
Monday and Tuesday:
Deputy Chief Justice
Gabrielle Samson
Office Hours
11am-3pm (Zoom)
6:00pm-8:00pm (in person)
The Associate Justices of the Jimenez Court
Associate Justice
Milexy Campos
Milexy Campos is a sophomore at the University at Albany, majoring in Political Science and minoring in Spanish. For the past five years, she has actively participated in various student groups and organizations that champion advocacy, including Youth in Government, Youth Arts Group, and the Puerto Rican and Hispanic Leadership Institute. These experiences have enriched her understanding of law. During her freshman year, she joined the Women in Law Association, where she not only became the programming chair, addressing challenging topics like abortion, but she also now serves as the treasurer.
Her professional exposure isn't just limited to these organizations. Milexy interned at a local corporate law firm in Goshen, NY, where she delved into the intricacies of managing a firm and the importance of impartiality in sensitive cases. Additionally, she has been a student researcher under two esteemed professors at the University at Albany: Dr. Louise Ann-McNutt and Dr. Joanna Dreby. Both have broadened her perspectives, especially in immigration and healthcare laws.
Currently, Milexy is immersed in the political domain, working on the One Harrison campaign. With aspirations in corporate law, she is diligently preparing for her LSAT. At her core, Milexy is a passionate advocate, always ready to ensure that student voices are amplified, while upholding the Student Association Constitution with utmost impartiality.
Associate Justice
Halimah Lawson
Halimah Lawson is the Associate Justice for the Supreme Court of the Student Association
Tolu Anjorin serves as an Associate Justice for the Supreme Court of the Student Association
Supreme Court Clerk
Plabon Saha
Plabon Saha serves as the Public Relations Clerk for the Supreme Court of the Student Association
Associate Justice
James Cuddy
James loves this institution, democracy, and justice.
Supreme Court Clerk
Eva Edery
Eva Edery serves as the Public Records Clerk for the Supreme Court of the Student Association
Associate Justice
Jarren Cherubin
Associate Justice
Tolu Anjorin
Jarren Cheubin serves as an Associate Justice for the Supreme Court of the Student Association
Supreme Court Clerk
Starlyn Polanco Rojas
Starlyn Polanco Rojas serves as the Public Administrative Clerk for the Supreme Court of the Student Association
The Jimenez Court: 2024-Present
Steven Jimenez
Chief Justice
Appointed by President Enid Walker
Gabrielle Samson
Deputy Chief Justice
Appointed by President Enid Walker
Tolu Anjorin
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Abdoullah Goudiaby
James Cuddy
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Enid Walker
Milexy Campos
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Jalen Rose
Yesim Cinar
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Jalen Rose
Jarren Cherubin
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Jalen Rose
Halimah Lawson
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Jalen Rose
The Anjorin Court: 2023-2024
Tolu Anjorin
Chief Justice
Appointed by President Abdoullah Goudiaby
Steven Jimenez
Deputy Chief Justice
Appointed by President Enid Walker
Gabrielle Samson
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Enid Walker
James Cuddy
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Enid Walker
Milexy Campos
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Jalen Rose
Yesim Cinar
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Jalen Rose
Jarren Cherubin
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Jalen Rose
The Gyamfi Court: 2022-2023
Roderica Gyamfi
Chief Justice
Appointed by President Abdoullah Goudiaby
Joshua Manu-Tawaiah
Deputy Chief Justice
Appointed by President Abdoullah Goudiaby
Tolu Anjorin
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Abdoullah Goudiaby
Hiylee Marte
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Abdoullah Goudiaby
Steven Jimenez
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Enid Walker
Gabrielle Samson
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Enid Walker
James Cuddy
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Enid Walker
The Boutin Court: 2021-2022
Barbara Boutin
Chief Justice
Appointed by President Damilola Adesanya
Arnelle Jean-Jacques
Deputy Chief Justice
Appointed by President Abdoullah Goudiaby
Tolu Anjorin
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Abdoullah Goudiaby
Ali Popeck
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Damilola Adesanya
Mina Gul
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Abdoullah Goudiaby
Joshua Manu-Tawiah
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Abdoullah Goudiaby
Roderica Gyamfi
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Abdoullah Goudiaby
Hiylee Isses Marte
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Abdoullah Goudiaby
The Magnana Court: 2020-2021
Thomas Magnana
Chief Justice
Appointed by President Damilola Adesanya
Shaneil Wynter
Deputy Chief Justice
Appointed by President Abdoullah Goudiaby
Danya Mekkielamin
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Damilola Adesanya
Andrew Thomas
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Damilola Adesanya
Imade Omozore
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Abdoullah Goudiaby
Ali Popeck
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Abdoullah Goudiaby
Barbara Boutin
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Abdoullah Goudiaby
The Zhang Court: 2019-2020
Shouyue Zhang
Chief Justice
Appointed by President Desann Chin-Carty
Andrew Thomas
Deputy Chief Justice
Appointed by President Desann Chin-Carty
Peltra Holness
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Langie Cadesca
Alana Chen
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Desann Chin-Carty
Chidiogo Igboekwe
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Langie Cadesca
Jessika Ball
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Langie Cadesca
Amanda Zoda
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Langie Cadesca
The Tapia Court: 2018-2019
Anahi Tapia
Chief Justice
Appointed by President Langie Cadesca
Amanda Zoda
Deputy Chief Justice
Appointed by President Langie Cadesca
Jonathan Mulhern
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Langie Cadesca
Jessika Ball
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Langie Cadesca
Raymond Strawn III
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Langie Cadesca
Petra Holness
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Langie Cadesca
Chidiogo “ChiChi” Igboekwe
Associate Justice
Appointed by President Langie Cadesca